Welcome to Degen Gunslinger Token. Do you think you are a true degen gunslinger? Have you ever sniped a few shitcoins on Uniswap, or texted your ex-girlfriend about how much you miss her the moment you broke up (like the simp you are). Then you might have some experience under your belt. Here we will be testing your lighting fast reflexes by throwing you in one of our Playrooms. It’s a joy, it’s a thrill, it’s a rope, but most of all, you can double your money by the end of each play session.

Before we go into more details on how our first type of game will work, here is what Degen Gunslinger Token [DGT] represents:
Degen Gunslinger Token [DGT]:
- The first token without actually being a token (worlds first, revolutionary!)
- Zero exchange listings coming, not even Uniswap! (go fuck yourselves frontrunning bots)
- No partnership whatsoever (Justin Sun partnership still on the table, so who knows)
- No bugs, no exploits, and no mystery hacks (because there is no contract)
- Transparency and Fair-play in our games, because they are simple in nature
The “Gunslinger Warfare” game
This is our first type of game that only requirse a small amount of patience and fast hands. The maximum amount of players per playroom is 50 players and the duration of the game will be at maximum, 15 minutes.

In this game, every player pays his/her contribution (stake) and Entry fee to the Game Master. The game will start after the contribution phase is concluded, thus starting the 15 minute timer. When the game is finished, 50% of the players (in this case, 25 players) will have doubled their contribution (stake) money and the other half will have lost his/her contribution money. The losing side is basically giving away their contribution to the winner’s side.
COMING SOON: More detailed info on how Gunslinger Warfare exactly works and how to get whitelisted.
The Entry fee and the three different stakes
There will be 3 different stakes but the first few games will only be played on the lowest stake to familiarize the community with this game.
The 3 different types of stakes are:
- Pleb stake (low stake: 1 ETH)
- Degen stake (mid stake: 5 ETH)
- Ape stake (high stake: 10 ETH)
Besides having to pay for your contribution/stake, that will be used for the prize money. You will also have to pay an entry fee of 0.1 ETH that will not be included in the prize money.
An example on the lowest stake, the Pleb stake:
The contribution (stake) will be 1 ETH and the entry fee will be 0.1 ETH making the total contribution 1.1 ETH. The contribution will be made to the Game Master’s wallet for safekeeping until the game is finished. With a maximum of 50 players, the total contribution will be 55 ETH (1.1 ETH x 50). 50 ETH (contribution money) will be set aside as the prize money for the game and the remaining 5 ETH (entry fee) will be given to the Game Master.
When the game is finished and concluded, the Game Master will send 2 ETH to each of the 25 winning players. This ETH will be sent to their whitelisted Ethereum address (using a multi sender).
More behind the curtains
We got more things in the making and more games behind the curtains.
We want this to be a place where you can have some joy, some thrills, unfiltered degen talk, and the occasional roping and necking.
We will release more additional events and games as the community grows. You can be a spectator, participant, or just somebody that likes to talk about shit coins, we welcome all. If you don’t like what you see, you are free to leave whenever you want. But whatever you do, don’t be a Virgin DeFi FUDster, nobody likes that.

💬 Where to find Degen Gunslinger Token
- Telegram Chat channel: https://t.me/DegenGunslingerToken
- Telegram Announcement channel: https://t.me/DGTannounce
- Website: Coming soon
- Twitter: Coming soon